The Albanian House - Bibliography
- Strazimiri, B. (1975), Arkitektura dhe restaurimi i Banesës Bizbiqeve, Monumentet, 9, 127-138
- Riza, E. (1975), Studim për restaurimin e një Banesë me Cardak ne qytetin e Krujës, Monumentet, 9, 107-117
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- Riza, E. (1980), Arkitektura e banesës popullore në zonën e 'Bregut te detit'(Labëri), Monumentet, 19, 5-43
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- Cene, A. Spahia, A and Vokopola, G.(2005), 'Mbi restaurimin e piktures murale në Banesën e Zekateve', Monumentet, 127-131
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- Riza, E. (1981), Qyteti muze i Gjirokastres(Monografi), Tiranë, Shtëpia Botuese '8 Nëntori'.
- Dede, A. Vunoi, Udhetim fotografik, Botimet Gent grafik.
- Adhami, S. and Zheku, K. 1981, Kruja dhe Monumentet e saj, Tiranë, Shtëpia Botuese '8 Nëntori'.
- Thomo, P. 1988, Korça, Urbanistika dhe Arkitektura, Tiranë, Kombinati Poligrafik Shtypshkronja e re.
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- Luzati, S. 2012, Qyteti i Shkodrës, Arkitektura dhe Urbanistika gjatë Rilindjes dhe Pavarësisë Kombëtare, Tiranë, Botimet KUMI.
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- Gleichman,I. Pashako, F. Nesim, Eand Osmani, J,(2018), Udhëzues praktik për mbrojtjen dhe ruajtjen e banesave tradicionale në fshatrat e bregdetit të Himarës, Tiranë, Gent Grafik.
- CHwB Albania, Gjirokastra, A Cultural journy.
- Kulla e Ngujimit ne Theth.[Online], IntoAlbania. Available from: https://www.intoalbania.com/sq/atraksion/kulla-e-ngujimit-ne-theth [ Accessed 7 november2019]
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- Muzeu Etnografik.[Online]. IntoAlbania. Available from: https://www.intoalbania.com/sq/atraksion/muzeu-etnografik[ Accessed 7 november2019]
- Stere - a specific space in the house that serves for water-collection.
- Dhipato - Represents the upper-part of the complex 'dhipato-musander', meanwhile under it apart from the built-in closet, there's also a small hall-way to the bathrooms. it is used to deposit clothes and you can find it totally open or closed with windows covered with Persian blinds.
- Divani i siperm - A space that can be open or closed on the upper floors. It has interconnection and residential functions during summer, or only interconnection function
- Divani i patit(i poshtem) - first-floor interconnecting space, that on the three-story houses is always closed.
- Nendivan - Ground-floor interconnective space
- Bash oda (oda e miqve, oda e madhe, oda e veres) - The most attractive space of the house, created always on the upper floor. In the two-wing variation, it is mostly on that side of the wing that is more emphasized. it is known for a very careful decorative treatment
- Dimerore - the main space, the fire-house where cold winters were spent.
- Kamerie - Separate towers, part of the house, or construction with columns or arches that create a certain type of terrace nearby the 'cardak'.
- Musander - a type of built-in closet along the wall used to place sleeping clothes.
- Nerohit - Serves for washing dishes and further water circulation.
- Odajashta(zapana) - Separate building within the surrounding walls of a house that serves for serves for the accommodation of second-hand friends and servants.
- Pati i madh - A space in the guests-room that serves to the family during cold weather.
- Pati i vogel - In the house-typology with two wings, it represents the symmetric space with the 'Pati i madh', on the other house-wing.
- Qilari i zahirese - food deposit
- Çardak - a space organized on the second floor of the house, open on one side of it to the outdoor and on the three other faces confined with the walls of the house's main rooms. Used as the main living-room on the vernacular houses.
- Hajat - a unique type of hall-way space created on the ground floor of a vernacular Albanian house, which provides the entrance to all the other spaces designated for food-storage and animals.